Oh, I love book club. I really, really do. I was just telling my husband when I got home last night that I feel very lucky that we've all found each other over the last five years. What a great group of brilliant, funny, witty, beautiful and talented women I get the chance to talk with.
And eat great treats with.
Group hug!
Here are the details for the next little while:
May 27
Makayla's House (or Heather's if they decide to switch)
"A Year of Living Biblically"
June 24
Annie's House
"Lost on Planet China"
July 22
Melinda's House (Melinda, are you okay with that?)
book TBD
I'm actually going to be out of town for July 22, but I can do it the week before, or I'm happy to do June's or August's meeting.
Did we decide on a July book? I can host July if no one has spoken for it. xo
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